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- vleeuwen
- Beiträge: 1592
- Registriert: 31 Okt 2010, 22:23
- Wohnort: Enschede (NL)
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TXT from firmware 4.1.x to 4.7.0
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Beitragvon vleeuwen » 18 Nov 2022, 09:19
Moin Moin. ich bin seit längerer Zeit wieder voll bei Fischer und vor allem habe ich jetzt Zeit dafür.
Bei den TXT Controllern habe ich Probleme. Einer hat die, der andere die Beide lassen sich nicht auf die aktualisieren.
Wie kann ich es anstellen, das beide aktuell vom System gesehen werden ?
Here you can find the ROboPro versions:
Last week I have 5 TXT updated from 4.1.x tot 4.7.0 without any problem.
5 Steps, you need to install RoboPro old RoboPro versions, with that version you update the firmware step by step.
When RoboPro ask for confirmation of the firmware update, answer directly, don't wait more then 3 sec.
after starting an update, it can takes 5 to 6:49 minutes before the text on screen changes (and not a couple of secondes).
Wait until the update process on the TXT screen has been started and RoboPro gives a message that you need to wait until the TXT has switch of itselfs; this also takes a couple of minutes.
After a firmware update, always switch on the "boot from SD-card" option in the TXT menu "settings|securty" tab (you need to scroll)
4.1.x to 4.2.4
4.2.4 to 4.4.4 (from this version it is also possible to force an update from SD-card, only for experience users)
(or boot from SD-card)
4.4.4 to 4.5.1 remark [2022-11-21]: 4.4.4 to 4.7.0 was also possible (I tested this with 5 TXT's)
4.5.1 to 4.6.6
4.6.6 to 4.7.0
Zuletzt geändert von vleeuwen am 24 Dez 2022, 18:20, insgesamt 4-mal geändert.
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- Registriert: 26 Nov 2010, 11:45
Re: TXT from firmware 4.1.x to 4.7.0
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Beitragvon fishfriend » 18 Nov 2022, 12:06
Is there a reason, to updatet to 4.2.4 and 4.5.1 and not directly to 4.6.6 ?
"...update from sd-card..."
There ist a PDF from ft:
Page 2:
"Wenn Sie nun den TXT Controller ausschalten, eine SD-Karte mit einem bootfähigen Image (z.B. die
Firmware der ft Community einlegen und den
TXT wieder starten, wird von der SD-Karte gebootet. Ohne SD-Karte wird die Standard-Firmware
How did you get a "bootfähigen Image" from 4.4.0 ?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Holger Howey
ft Riesenräder PDF:
TX-Light: Arduino und ftduino mit RoboPro
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- vleeuwen
- Beiträge: 1592
- Registriert: 31 Okt 2010, 22:23
- Wohnort: Enschede (NL)
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Re: TXT from firmware 4.1.x to 4.7.0
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Beitragvon vleeuwen » 18 Nov 2022, 13:20
This was a long time ago the suggestion from fischertechnik to avoid problems.
type error 4.4.0 => 4.4.4
Bootimages is available on the github site.
It is also possible to boot the normale fischertechnik TXT firmware from SD-card since 4.2.4.
So it is possible to work with different TXT configuration and setups.
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- vleeuwen
- Beiträge: 1592
- Registriert: 31 Okt 2010, 22:23
- Wohnort: Enschede (NL)
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Re: TXT from firmware 4.1.x to 4.7.0
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Beitragvon vleeuwen » 18 Nov 2022, 19:24
See here to flash a bootable TXT firmware image to the TXT memory.
(Only for experiance users, you will need a USB to serial interface (3.3V)) ... om-sd-card
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- Beiträge: 1911
- Registriert: 26 Nov 2010, 11:45
Re: TXT from firmware 4.1.x to 4.7.0
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Beitragvon fishfriend » 19 Nov 2022, 11:00
Thank you.
Hmm, ist´s a new way, to get accses to the TXT (for me).
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Holger Howey
ft Riesenräder PDF:
TX-Light: Arduino und ftduino mit RoboPro
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- vleeuwen
- Beiträge: 1592
- Registriert: 31 Okt 2010, 22:23
- Wohnort: Enschede (NL)
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Re: TXT from firmware 4.1.x to 4.7.0
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Beitragvon vleeuwen » 21 Nov 2022, 16:50
See my remark [2022-11-21] in 18 Nov 2022, 10:19
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- 0815user
- Beiträge: 4
- Registriert: 24 Dez 2022, 17:55
Re: TXT from firmware 4.1.x to 4.7.0
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Beitragvon 0815user » 24 Dez 2022, 18:08
Dear all
there was also a txt controller under the x-max tree for my son today And also i have now to upskill myself...
I just connected the txt controller ro the RoboPro 4.7.0. but there was the message, that the frirmware is too old ( And the message expected.
Sor far so good. The it asks if the firmware shall be updated, bbut when i click yes, then there is the message "Firmware-Updatedatei Fehlerhaft".
I do not understand, where the tool is looking for a firmware update file...
Then i found this (TXT_ Firmware_microSD.pdf) ... CVdqujKhbt
This sounds reasonable for me, but o dot not really understand if i can just update from -> or do i need to do all versions in between.
I would expect just to put the "ft-TXT_Build_417.img" from git on the SD card and boot from the card. Just a bit afraid to crsh the txt?
So can i just do do it with the latest version on SD?
Thanks for short replay
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- vleeuwen
- Beiträge: 1592
- Registriert: 31 Okt 2010, 22:23
- Wohnort: Enschede (NL)
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Re: TXT from firmware 4.1.x to 4.7.0
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Beitragvon vleeuwen » 24 Dez 2022, 18:13
See my contribution from: 18 Nov 2022, 10:19.
For booting from SD-card, you need firmware 4.4.4.
Then you are able to boor 4.7.0 from SD-card.
Booting from SD-card will not damage the TXT. Only the bootimage in the TXT memory is not used (including the settings).
When you read my 8 Nov 2022, 10:19 post you could see that directly from 4.4.4 to 4.7.0 to is also possible, it has to do with the different way that the update software works..
Zuletzt geändert von vleeuwen am 24 Dez 2022, 18:21, insgesamt 3-mal geändert.
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- 0815user
- Beiträge: 4
- Registriert: 24 Dez 2022, 17:55
Re: TXT from firmware 4.1.x to 4.7.0
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Beitragvon 0815user » 24 Dez 2022, 18:16
And to go from 4.2.xx to 4.4.xx I need to make the bootloader aktive via SSH? I'll try in the evening...
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- vleeuwen
- Beiträge: 1592
- Registriert: 31 Okt 2010, 22:23
- Wohnort: Enschede (NL)
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Re: TXT from firmware 4.1.x to 4.7.0
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Beitragvon vleeuwen » 24 Dez 2022, 21:54
No, on the settings security menu on the TXT you need to activate the Boor from SD-card option.
There you can also activate the SSH connection and strat the locale MQTT broker service (in case you want to use it).
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- 0815user
- Beiträge: 4
- Registriert: 24 Dez 2022, 17:55
Re: TXT from firmware 4.1.x to 4.7.0
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Beitragvon 0815user » 24 Dez 2022, 22:17
cool, works fine, quite straight foreward and fast.
just for all, who also cannot update the txt via ROBOPro due to failure message,
I started with 4.2.4 on the txt
1.) log in via ssh (USB: and enable the bootloader via "sudo /usr/sbin/boot_sd_nand"
2.) istall v4.4.4 (ft-TXT_Build_374.img from git) -> enable the load from SD
3.) istall v4.7.0 (ft-TXT_Build_417.img from git)
4.) now ROBO Pro can connect with the txt (at least pushing the "test" button, shows all the interfaces)
nevertheless two questions:
a.) what do i need to do that the new version in on the txt? now i always need to boot from the SD card.
b.) unter security there is now no option like "enable load from SD card"
c.) for whatever reason in cannot connect via WLAN to the txt, although it is visible in the network and show the right ip. Same as in the txt itself. Of course via USB is fine, but then i allways need the cable. i enabled WLAN client mode and the ssh deamon. Any idea why i cannot connect via WLAN.
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- vleeuwen
- Beiträge: 1592
- Registriert: 31 Okt 2010, 22:23
- Wohnort: Enschede (NL)
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Re: TXT from firmware 4.1.x to 4.7.0
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Beitragvon vleeuwen » 25 Dez 2022, 14:34
There exits a possibility to force (install) the firmware from a boottable SD-card to the TXT memory.
For that you need a USB to serial (3.3V ) converter.
I put the link and a description on this forum a long time ago.
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- 0815user
- Beiträge: 4
- Registriert: 24 Dez 2022, 17:55
Re: TXT from firmware 4.1.x to 4.7.0
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Beitragvon 0815user » 27 Dez 2022, 17:37
I found the thread with the "USB to serial". I guess i will just buy a new card and let then the txt start from it.
Now i took a 8 GB card, since i did not found another one, which is much too big-
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- vleeuwen
- Beiträge: 1592
- Registriert: 31 Okt 2010, 22:23
- Wohnort: Enschede (NL)
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Kontaktdaten von vleeuwen
Re: TXT from firmware 4.1.x to 4.7.0
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Beitragvon vleeuwen » 27 Dez 2022, 18:16
32 Gb SD-card formatted with FAT works also fine.
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