No Man's Sky 2022: Multi-tool - types, technology modules, inventory slots (2025)

On this page of the No Man’s Sky guide, you can find a list of upgrade modules and technology blueprints for the Multi-tool – moreover, we show where to buy new multi-tools, and how to increase its inventory capacities.

Last update: 26 October 2022

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In No Man's Sky, Multi-tool serves as a weapon and resource miner. On this page of our guide, we explain where to buy new versions of multi-tool and how to increase its inventory space. We also list the types, technology modules, and upgrades available to the multi-tool.

  • Basic Multi-tool
  • New Multitool - where to buy?
  • Additional slots in Multitool - how to obtain?
  • Multitool technology blueprints
  • Multi-tool - Combat Modules
  • Multitool upgrade modules

Basic Multi-tool

Waveform Focuser N56-P is the basic multi-tool at your disposal at the beginning of the game. It has 6 tech slots, while its maximum inventory slot capacity (same for all available modes) is 30 slots.

The basic task of a multi-tool is gathering resources, but the Mining Beam of it can also hurt animals, poisonous plants, and Sentinels. The player can have up to 6 multi-tools.

No Man's Sky 2022: Multi-tool - types, technology modules, inventory slots (1)

The individual multi-tools are distinguished by their score in the following categories:

  1. class and type,
  2. damage dealing potential,
  3. range of the scanner,
  4. class bonuses,
  5. available tech slots.

You can upgrade the class of a multi-tool by spending nanites at a dedicated terminal on space stations.

New Multitool - where to buy?

No Man's Sky 2022: Multi-tool - types, technology modules, inventory slots (2)

New multitools are found:

  1. at dedicated vendors on space stations and Space Anomaly station (each station offers different models),
  2. in each settlement,
  3. in derelict ships,
  4. as a reward for correct answer for the monolith puzzle,
  5. may be received from NPCs as a gift.

Additional slots in Multitool - how to obtain?

No Man's Sky 2022: Multi-tool - types, technology modules, inventory slots (3)

More slots for the multi-tool can be obtained in variety of ways:

  1. bought at a dedicated Multi-tool upgrade terminal on space stations;
  2. received for free by accessing terminals in manufacturing facilities;
  3. received as a reward for a successful completion of some missions.

Multitool technology blueprints

The Multitool technology blueprints found below can be bought at Space Anomaly, found while exploring, or received as rewards for completed task. Each new module has to be installed in a free, corresponding slot, and required resources needed to build it have to be delivered.

Personal Forcefield:

  1. Combat Scope - increases weapon accuracy, allowing precise aiming. Cost - 80 nanites.
  2. Cloaking Device - cloaks from opponents, but may be removed following jerky movements or while attacking. Cost - 80 nanites.
  3. Voltaic Amplifier - increases damage dealt to stunned opponents. Cost - 180 nanites.

Mining Beam:

  1. Advanced Mining Laser - increases resource mining output. Cost - 75 nanites.
  2. Optical Drill - allows faster acquisition of elements, increasing the number of items collected while applying the laser. Cost - 460 nanites.


  1. Waveform Recycler - increases the scan radius of the scanner. Cost - 120 nanites.
  2. Survey Device - improves the capabilities of the Analysis Visor. Cost - 320 nanites.

Multi-tool - Combat Modules

All multitool combat modules i.e. of the Boltcaster, can be bought at Space Anomaly, found during exploration, or received as a reward for completed tasks. The module has to be then installed in a free, corresponding, slot and built by delivering the required resources. Different types of weapons may require a different element to charge.

No Man's Sky 2022: Multi-tool - types, technology modules, inventory slots (4)

Boltcaster offers 6 different combat functionalities:

Barrel Ioniser - increases weapon accuracy and allows longer firing without overheating. Cost - 90 nanites. Can be upgraded with:

  1. Boltcaster Ricochet Module - costs 90 nanites.

Plasma Launcher - a weapon firing explosive grenades. Cost - 150 nanites. Can be upgraded with:

  1. Geology Cannon - fires a grenade of a higher blast radius. Cost - 150 nanites.
  2. Paralysis Mortar - costs 150 nanites.

Blaze Javelin - a chargeable Energy weapon - the higher the charge, the more powerful the projectile gets. Cost - 250 nanites. Can be upgraded with:

  1. Waveform Oscillator - stuns enemies. Cost - 180 nanites.
  2. Mass Accelerator - increases damage dealt. Cost - 180 nanites.

Scatter Blaster: a short-range weapon firing throwables. Cost - 250 nanites. There are following upgrades available:

  1. Shell Greaser - lowers reload time. Cost - 180 nanites.

Pulse Spitter - a rapid-firing weapon. Cost - 250 nanites. There are following upgrades available:

  1. Amplifier Cartridges - increases Pulse Spitter clip size. Cost - 180 nanites.
  2. Pulse Spitter Ricochet Module - costs 180 nanites.
  3. Impact Igniter - adds fire damage. Cost - 180 nanites.

Neutron Cannon - a weapon dealing area of effect damage. Cost - 250 nanites. Can be upgraded with:

  1. P-Field Compressor This upgrade equips the weapon with additional high-velocity rounds. Cost - 180 nanites.

Multitool upgrade modules

The Multi-tool upgrade modules can be found at a dedicated vendor on space stations. Each station offer different modules and in different prices.

No Man's Sky 2022: Multi-tool - types, technology modules, inventory slots (5)

Upgrade modules can be installed in a free, corresponding, slot of the multi-tool, and doesn't require additional resources to build. It should be mentioned that upgrade module slots are limited and installing one may replace already installed modules.

No Man's Sky 2022: Multi-tool - types, technology modules, inventory slots (2025)
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