Caring, Quality of Life and Service Provision: a new perspective (2024)

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Comparative focus group-based researches conducted in the late 1990s revealed that public opinion in France and the United States do not differ substantially regarding levels of concern about potential risks induced by the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). However, while the GMO controversy over risk regulation raged in Europe, with an active epicenter in France, the United States appeared to be regulating biotech risks on the basis of quiet consensus. Under risk policy however run the stories of involved scientific communities. In life sciences, two communities have entered in conflict since the early 1990s: molecular and population biologies. They notably disagree on the relevant scales for risk assessment: one takes in account interactions within the cell, the other one within and among entities of ecosystems. The substantial equivalence principle that was selected by the FDA to govern biotech risk assessments poses that GMOs are not different from non-modified organisms until proven otherwise, in connection with the molecular epistemology. In France, the application of the precautionary principle to GMO risk assessment has yielded to a case-by-case approach, which assumes all GMOs as harmful for public and environmental health until proven safe, in connection with the population epistemology. National framings of GMOs as a public issue or as technological innovation can be approached as resulting from interactions among policy, science and media over time. Dissident molecularists or ecologists were given visibility in two of the three major daily French newspapers starting 1996. At the same period and in equivalent newspapers, agrifood biotechnologies do not receive substantial coverage in the US. However, both countries's media started tying their national and cultural identities to their selected life science epistemology when the trade disputes at the World Trade Organization and the UN Biosafety Convention emerged in 1999. In 2010, the trend has stabilized.

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Project Zacchaeus: A Mexican Group’s Desire to be Recognized as Catholic and Gay

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In July 2013 a schism within the apostolate called “Courage Latino” went unnoticed by society in general; a small group of five men led by a parish priest decided to form an alliance of people who have “same sex attraction” (SSA) and also desire to remain in the “Catholic” Church. The movement, which ceased to exist in March 2014, had a different purpose than the one set up by Father John Harvey, founder of Courage a religious movement that asks “Catholic” men and women to live within the bounds of chastity. Courage was founded in the 1980’s as an outgrowth of the Culture Wars in America. It was a Conservative option to other ministries like Dignity and The New Ways Ministry who desired to incorporate the tenets of the” gay” movement with certain aspects of “Catholic” religion and spirituality. Under the pontificate of John Paul II, these movements were excluded from the Church, unwelcome to operate within church property in the United States with little or no support from Bishops who followed the Vatican ideology. Courage unlike the other two, was sufficiently Conservative in outlook to merit the support and recognition of diverse groups within Catholicism. Courage branched out in to diverse countries of the western hemisphere; “Mexico” was the first outpost of the movement, which later expanded to Puerto Rico, El Salvador and other Hispanic-American countries. Though it had the support of Catholic Orders like the Legion of Christ and several Bishops and Archbishops, the movement has remained peripheral never having more than ten people in each group. “Project Zacchaeus” grew out of the dissatisfaction of the leader with the message Courage offered to” gay” men and women. The paper submitted for this presentation explores why Zacchaeus was created, what the men and women who joined this group desired and why it eventually splintered in to a different group.

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Caring, Quality of Life and Service Provision: a new perspective (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.