Ancient Syracuse: From Foundation to Fourth Century Collapse (2024)

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Ancient Syracuse: From Foundation to Fourth Century Collapse (1)

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англійська [en], .epub, 🚀/lgli/lgrs/upload/zlib, 3.7MB, 📘 Книга (академічна література), lgli/Evans_Ancient Syracuse. From Foundation to Fourth Century Collapse.epub

Ancient Syracuse: From Foundation to Fourth Century Collapse 🔍

Taylor & Francis (CAM), 2016

Evans, Richard 🔍


Syracuse possesses a unique place in the history of the ancient Mediterranean because of its contribution to Greek culture and political thought and practice. Even in the first century BC Cicero could still declare 'You have often heard that of all the Greek cities Syracuse is the greatest and most beautiful.' Sicily's strategic location in the Mediterranean brought the city prosperity and power, placing it in the first rank of states in the ancient world. The history and governance of the city were recorded from the fifth century BC and the volume of literary sources comes close to matching the records of Athens or Rome. Combining literary and material evidence this monograph traces the history of Syracuse, offering new arguments about the date of the city's foundation, and continues through the fifth century when, as a democracy, Syracuse's military strength grew to equal that of Athens or Sparta, surpassing them in the early fourth century under the tyrant Dionysius I. From ca. 350 BC, however, the city's fortunes declined as the state was wracked with civil strife as the tyranny lost control. The result was a collapse so serious that the city faced complete and imminent destruction.

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Альтернативна назва

Ancient Syracuse : from foundation to fourth century collapse

Альтернативна назва

History of Syracuse 734 BC to AD 14

Альтернативний автор

Sir Richard J. Evans FBA FRSL FRHistS, Richard J. Evans (South African)

Альтернативний видавець

Taylor & Francis Group

Альтернативний видавець


Альтернативний видавець


Альтернативне видання

Farnham, Surrey, 2016

Альтернативне видання

Abingdon, 2016

Альтернативне видання

London, 2016

Альтернативне видання

1, 20160322

Альтернативний опис

Syracuse Possesses A Unique Place In The History Of The Ancient Mediterranean Because Of Its Contribution To Greek Culture And Political Thought And Practice. Even In The First Century Bc Cicero Could Still Declare 'you Have Often Heard That Of All The Greek Cities Syracuse Is The Greatest And Most Beautiful.' Sicily's Strategic Location In The Mediterranean Brought The City Prosperity And Power, Placing It In The First Rank Of States In The Ancient World. The History And Governance Of The City Were Recorded From The Fifth Century Bc And The Volume Of Literary Sources Comes Close To Matching The Records Of Athens Or Rome. Combining Literary And Material Evidence This Monograph Traces The History Of Syracuse, Offering New Arguments About The Date Of The City's Foundation, And Continues Through The Fifth Century When, As A Democracy, Syracuse's Military Strength Grew To Equal That Of Athens Or Sparta, Surpassing Them In The Early Fourth Century Under The Tyrant Dionysius I. From Ca. 350 Bc, However, The City's Fortunes Declined As The State Was Wracked With Civil Strife As The Tyranny Lost Control. The Result Was A Collapse So Serious That The City Faced Complete And Imminent Destruction. -- Publisher's Description The Myths And The Reality Of The Foundation -- The Deinomenid Tyranny (ca. 700-466 Bc) -- The Fifth Century Collapse (466-460 Bc) -- Democracy And Ducetius (460-427 Bc) -- The First Athenian Expedition (427-424 Bc) -- The Second Athenian Expedition (415-413 Bc) -- The Rise Of The Tyrant Dionysius I -- The Fourth Century Collapse. Richard Evans. Includes Bibliographical References And Index.

Альтернативний опис

"Syracuse possesses a unique place in the history of the ancient Mediterranean because of its contribution to Greek culture and political thought and practice. Even in the first century BC Cicero could still declare 'You have often heard that of all the Greek cities Syracuse is the greatest and most beautiful.' Sicily's strategic location in the Mediterranean brought the city prosperity and power, placing it in the first rank of states in the ancient world. The history and governance of the city were recorded from the fifth century BC and the volume of literary sources comes close to matching the records of Athens or Rome. Combining literary and material evidence this monograph traces the history of Syracuse, offering new arguments about the date of the city's foundation, and continues through the fifth century when, as a democracy, Syracuse's military strength grew to equal that of Athens or Sparta, surpassing them in the early fourth century under the tyrant Dionysius I. From ca. 350 BC, however, the city's fortunes declined as the state was wracked with civil strife as the tyranny lost control. The result was a collapse so serious that the city faced complete and imminent destruction."--Publisher's description

Альтернативний опис

Syracuse possesses a unique place in the history of the ancient Mediterranean because of its contribution to Greek culture and political thought and practice. Even in the first century BC Cicero could still declare ’You have often heard that of all the Greek cities Syracuse is the greatest and most beautiful.’ Sicily’s strategic location in the Mediterranean brought the city prosperity and power, placing it in the first rank of states in the ancient world. The history and governance of the city were recorded from the fifth century BC and the volume of literary sources comes close to matching the records of Athens or Rome. Combining literary and material evidence this monograph traces the history of Syracuse, offering new arguments about the date of the city’s foundation, and continues through the fifth century when, as a democracy, Syracuse’s military strength grew to equal that of Athens or Sparta, surpassing them in the early fourth century under the tyrant Dionysius I. From ca. 350 BC, however, the city’s fortunes declined as the state was wracked with civil strife as the tyranny lost control. The result was a collapse so serious that the city faced complete and imminent destruction.

Альтернативне ім'я файлу

upload/alexandrina/2. Ancient e Classical/Mediterranean/Richard Evans - Ancient Syracuse. From Foundation to Fourth Century Collapse (Retail).epub

Альтернативне ім'я файлу

lgli/2. Ancient e Classical\Mediterranean\Richard Evans - Ancient Syracuse. From Foundation to Fourth Century Collapse (Retail).epub

Альтернативне ім'я файлу

lgrsnf/Evans_Ancient Syracuse. From Foundation to Fourth Century Collapse.epub

дата відкритого джерела

2020-01-02 — upload_record_date: 2024-06-27, oclc_scrape: 2023-10-01, ol_source: 2020-08-25, isbndb_scrape: 2022-09-01, lgli_source: 2020-01-02, zlib_source: 2020-01-02, lgrsnf_source: 2020-01-02

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ISBN-13978-1-317-18136-1 ISBN-13978-1-317-18135-4 ISBN-13978-1-315-56699-3 ISBN-13978-1-4724-1939-2 ISBN-13978-1-317-18134-7 ISBN-13978-1-4724-1938-5 ISBN-13978-1-4724-1937-8 ISBN-101-4724-1938-3 ISBN-101-317-18135-2 ISBN-101-317-18134-4 ISBN-101-4724-1939-1 ISBN-101-317-18136-0 ISBN-101-315-56699-0 ISBN-101-4724-1937-5 DOI10.4324/9781315566993 OCLC/WorldCat956694883 OCLC/WorldCat1100659743 OCLC/WorldCat945552562 OCLC/WorldCat1299090725 OCLC/WorldCat1288513686 OCLC/WorldCat1086536714 Open LibraryOL21610922W Open LibraryOL21290491W Open LibraryOL28826504M Open LibraryOL29388969M Collectionupload Collectionopenlib Collectionisbndb Collectionworldcat Collectionzlib Collectionlibgen_rs Collectionlibgen_li Non-Fiction2457473 MD580bca80c749aba3506f4b73be73809ed Z-Library5332234 File93444262 libgen_id2457473 Filepathupload/alexandrina/2. Ancient e Classical/Mediterranean/Richard Evans - Ancient Syracuse. From Foundation to Fourth Century Collapse (Retail).epub Filepathlgli/2. Ancient e Classical\Mediterranean\Richard Evans - Ancient Syracuse. From Foundation to Fourth Century Collapse (Retail).epub Filepathupload/bibliotik/A/Ancient Syracuse - Evans, Richard.epub Filepathlgli/Evans_Ancient Syracuse. From Foundation to Fourth Century Collapse.epub Filepathlgrsnf/Evans_Ancient Syracuse. From Foundation to Fourth Century Collapse.epub LCCN2015024569 Torrentexternal/libgen_rs_non_fic/r_2457000.torrent Server Pathe/lgrsnf/2457000/80bca80c749aba3506f4b73be73809ed Non-Fiction TopicHistory LCCDG975.S9E93 2016 LCCDG975.S9 E93 2016 LCCDG975.S9

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Ancient Syracuse: From Foundation to Fourth Century Collapse (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

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Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.